Texture Portfolio

Lead Surfacing Artist: 

“The Addams Family” feature film
2018-2019, Cinesite Studios, Vancouver, BC

No released images available for my portfolio at this time. 
In the teaser trailer, I surfaced Morticia and Pugsley, as well as Gomez's clothing and other various props. For this project, I have been focused primarily on main characters and props using Mari and Katana.

Lead Texture Artist: 

“Angry Birds Blues” animated series
2016-2017, Bardel Entertainment, Vancouver, BC

Texture Artist: 

“Mack and Moxy” animated series
2015, Bardel Entertainment, Vancouver, BC

From Clip Above: textured Mack (blue moose), Moxy (pink fox) and Octopuses.

From Clip Above: textured Mack (blue moose), Moxy (pink fox), Sheldon (red lobster) and Nolie (orange creature).

Texture Artist: 

“VeggieTales: In The House” animated series
2014 - 2016, Bardel Entertainment, Vancouver, BC

Lead Texture Artist: 

“Kodee’s Canoe” and “Thomas and Friends” animated series
2008 - 2011, Nitrogen Studios, Vancouver, BC